Showing posts with label User Accounts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label User Accounts. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Creating Service Accounts for SharePoint 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2

This post is a part of the series Integrating SharePoint 2013 with OAM 11g R2PS2 so i hope you have followed the steps mentioned their.

Q- Why is their need to create Service Accounts before installing SQL Server 2012 & SharePoint?
Ans- The reason for this is, we will be using these accounts references in their configurations steps.

As of now we have setup our AD on Windows Server 2012 R2, so we will use it for accounts creation.

Before we start 2 things we must know, i.e. 

  • We will be creating 2 users, one for SQL Server 2012 setup & other one for SharePoint 2013.
  • The user for SQL Server will be having admin rights, while the sharepoint user will be w/o it.

Let's Start the process..............................

Create User Account for SQL Server 2012 Setup :-

1) First log in to your host machine with the user you have created Create User Account

 2) Once your are logged into your system, Go to Server Manager -> Tools. Select Active Directory Users & Computer Option.

3) Active Directory Users & Computers: Using this program we will be adding service accounts aka users in our AD.

  Select Users option in your left pane, on selecting it users existing in your AD will be displayed.

4) Create User with Admin Rights: This user will be required for SQL Server 2012 Configuration.
Right click the "Administrator" User already created, and click copy.

 Once you have clicked copy, it will open an add user window. 

6) Create User - Now provide user log in name, i used "sqlAdminAcc" name for admin user that will be used in SQL Server Config.

    Press Next -> Now provide password for the user & remember select "Password Never Expires" radio button.

    Press Next -> It will ask you to confirm the details. If all is well, press finish.

7) Your User is created.............

    Right Click the newly created user i.e. "sqlAdminAcc" and click "Properties".

   Hey, did you noticed that this user is member of "Administrator Group" ....... So we are done.....!!!!

Create User Account for SharePoint SetUp:

1) You are already logged into the host machine and Active Directory User & Computers program is running.

2) Create a New User:

    Click Users on the left Pane. Right click Users -> Select New -> Choose User option

3) Enter User Details:-

     Provide login name -> "
spFarm". This is the user i will be using for SharePoint Setup Configuration.

    Press Next -> Provide Password Details

Note: Remember to select "Password Never Expires" radio button and untick "User must change password at next logon".

    Press Next -> You will be asked to confirm the created user details. If all is well, press finish.

Congrats you have successfully created the user..............

Now we will proceed to
Install & Configure SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012 R2

Enjoy :-)

Friday, 18 July 2014

Install & Configure SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012 R2

This post is a part of the series Integrating SharePoint 2013 with OAM 11g R2PS2 so i hope you have followed the steps mentioned their.

Even though you haven't this post will help you with the default setup as well. Need not to worry ;-)

Assumptions: You have had downloaded the SQL Server 2012 setup beforehand.

So let's start with the setup...............

1) Start the SQL Sever installer:-

    Here select the first option in the right column, as this is fresh installation.

2) Setup Support Rules:

  Note: If you see any error on this window, kindly take a look at the logs.

3) Product Key:- Kindly provide the product key.

4) License Terms:- "I accept the terms"......and proceed Next

5) Setup Role:- Select the first option and proceed Next....

6) Feature Selection: Make you select Database Engine & Management Tools features.

7) Installation Rules:- Make sure you see green signal here, and proceed Next...

8) Instance Configuration: Important Step of installation............

    Here i have selected the default server instance name i.e. "MSSQLSERVER", remember this name.

9) Disk Space Requirement:- Proceed Next if you have disk space left ;-)

10) Server Configuration: Remember we have created service accounts in our AD. Use the admin account created i.e. "sqlAdminAcc".

    For SQL Server Agent & Database Engine we have used the admin account.

Note: In case you are not setting up the SQL Server for SharePoint purpose, than you can use the default user account as well.

11) Database Engine Configuration:-

  Choose Windows Authentication Mode.

12) Error Reporting:- Proceed Next.........

13) Installation Configuration Rules: Proceed Next..........

 14) Ready To Install:-

15) Complete:- Bravo...!!!! You are done............. Congrats :-)

Congrats your installation is complete...... But now you need to start the SQL Service & need to be ready for some issues as well in starting them (if you are lucky..... hehehe)

Note: Once your sql server is installed, do  look for Troubleshooting link. It will reduce your upcoming effort.

Need not to worry..... kindly look into the post "Starting SQL Server 2012 "

Enjoy :-)

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Creating User Accounts in Windows Server 2012 R2

Create User Account:

This post is a part of the series Integrating SharePoint 2013 with OAM 11G R2PS2 (Windows Server 2012 R2)

Why this is important to create user account before-hand moving to install the Active Directory?
  • With this user account we can log in to the system. This user account will become part of the AD on successful setup. Thus we have an account to log into the system in both success & failure case.
Let's Start setting up the User Account:-

1) Start Menu -> Control Panel -> User Accounts. Select User Accounts Option

 2) Select Manage User Accounts.

3) User Accounts Menu will be opened. Under this Select Advance Tab.

Under Advance Tab, select Advanced Option.

3) Local User and Groups Manager will be opened.

Select "Users Option" visible in the tree.

 4) Now in the middle column where the users are listed, do right click and select New User option. This will open a form which needs to be filled with the user details.

Remember don't select "User must change password option", untick the selection and than select "Password never expires" Option. Now press Create Button.

Your user gets created.... :-)

5) Giving Admin rights to the user: The user created above is not having the admin rights.
To provide admin rights to the user, do as following:

a) Open User Accounts Options (Start Menu -> Control Panel-> User Accounts -> Manage User Accounts)

b) You will find your created user entry here, now double click the user. It will open user properties.

c) Now select Group Membership tab.

By Default the user is created with standard rights. Now we need to change the same to admin.

d) Select the Administrator Option. And press OK Button.

e) Now you will see that the user properties is changed from standard to administrator.

f) Add the created user to the host:-
On your Windows Server Desktop you will see “Allow user to access host option” -> Click this & you will prompted with uid entry.

Eg: slc01att\bunty

Without adding user to the system, you won't be allowed to take remote of the machine.

Test:- To Log-in into the system with the created user credentials 

Log-off from the system and log-in again but this time with new user credentials just created above.You should be able to log-in
Syntax -> hostname\username followed by password
Eg: slc01att\bunty -> Password "abcd123!"

Now we proceed to Install & Configure Active Directory on Windows Server 2012 R2.

Enjoy :-)