Showing posts with label Configure Simple Mode Communication for OAM 11G. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Configure Simple Mode Communication for OAM 11G. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Retrieve the Global Passphrase for Simple Mode

Understanding the Global Passphrase Funda:

When you install the OAM Server 11g R2PS2 a default global passphrase is set. This global passphrase is actually used for SIMPLE MODE Communication. Webgate use this global passphrase while performing handshake with OAM Server.

But you need to set this global passphrase explicitly while you are changing the SERVER Mode to Simple Mode. Otherwise you will get exceptions at webgate & server side both (Oracle AccessGateAPI not initialized)

Note: To configure Simple Mode follow Configure Simple Mode Communication

Retrieving Global Passphrase Password:

1) Goto to your Middleware Home:

bash$> cd /scratch/ckukreja/R2PS3/Middleware/

2) Goto Oracle_IDM directory:

bash$> cd Oracle_IDM1

  • Change directory to common/bin under IDM parent folder
bash$> cd common/bin
bash$> ls

3) Now we need to execute wlst script

bash$> ./

  • Connect with the Weblogic Server 

  •  Execute domainRunTime() 

  •  Now we need to display the global passphrase, for this use the command - displaySimpleModeGlobalPassphrase()

Note: Here you are seeing password as 'Welcome1' because i have updated this password in Access Manager Settings in Server.

So now you are good to go...!!!!! You can use this password with your OAM Tester Tool and other purposes will also be fulfilled.

Enjoy :-)

Friday, 1 August 2014

Configure Simple Mode Communication for OAM 11G R2PS2

Let's Start................

Open the oamconsole (http://<host.domain:7001>/oamconsole)

1) Go to Server Instances:

2) Open your Server Instance:

3) Change the Mode to Simple Mode:

      3.a) Apply the changes:

4) Go to Access Manager Settings:

      4.a) Provide the Global Passphrase:

        4.b) Apply the changes

5) Now Go to SSO Agents:

    5.a) Open your SSO Agent

     5.b) Change the Mode to Simple

    5.c) Apply the changes.

6) Restart the managed server.

7) Now we need to copy the artifacts generated in <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain/output/<webgate_profile_name>/

    a) cwallet.sso
    b) ObAccessClient.xml 
    c) password.xml 
   Copy them to the config folder of Webgate instance directory i.e.
above path is for non windows server.
For Windows Server (say IIS) - C:\oracle\product\11.1.1\<webgate_instance_name>\config\

8) Similarly copy aaa_cert.pem & aaa_key.pem files to simple folder in Webgate instance config folder.

9) Restart the Web Server Instance.

 Your Simple Mode Security Communication is configured & ready to use.

For detailed information you can refer to following link:

Enjoy ............... :-)