Install Apache 2.2 (64bit) on AIX Machine:
Follow the steps:
- To install apache22, we need the source code & requires to build it. This will generate the binaries.
- Download the source code from to your AIX64 box.
- Now we need to export setting, that is per-requisties before we start the build process:
- export OBJECT_MODE=64
4. Untar the source zip. Change the directory to unzipped folder
5. Execute the configure script present in the folder as follows:
LDFLAGS="-maix64" LD=gcc CFLAGS="-maix64" ./configure --prefix=/scratch/anikukum/chalja --enable-so --with-included-apr
- Here we are using 'gcc' as complier, you can use other like 'xlc' etc.
- The flags CFLAGS & LDFLAGS are ensuring the 64 bit compilation to be done.
- --with-included-apr <this ensures that the APR, APR-Util library will be included>
- --prefix <here you need to provide the path where you want to install the apache22>
6. Compile & install.
- make - it will compile the source code
- make install - this will install the binaries & other files at the location provided in 'prefix'.
7. Now go to the directory where you have install apache22
- Move to bin folder and execute the 'file' command on httpd executable file.
- 'file httpd' - It's output will show you the type of file is it. Here it should show 64bit, if not than you have missed some step.
Configure Apache22 on AIX:
As you have installed the apache22 on your AIX Machine. Now it is required to configure it before we run the server.
- Go to the apache22 installation directory. Move to conf folder.
- Open httpd.conf file to edit it.
- Change the port from '80' to the one you want. Like we use '8889'.
- By default username & group are configured as 'daemon'. Change them to the one you are logged in.
- Save the changes & close the file.
3. Now come out of the conf folder & change your directory to bin folder.
4. Execute the apachetl exe file. It will start the httpd server process.
Verify the installation & configuration:
Try to access the default resource present on apache22 server like index.html.
Syntax: http://<hostname>:<port>/index.html
Eg: http://slc0010:8889/index.html
So guys you are done with the Installation & Configuration of APache22-64bit on your AIX Machine.
Enjoy :-)